Callum Easter, Scotland on Sunday, 18 December 2016

Published in Scotland On Sunday, 18 December 2016 | Words by Derick Mackinnon and Olaf Furniss. Read on [in association with Musician' Union] CALLUM EASTER Artist of the Week in Scotland On SundayScotland On Sunday, 18 December 2016, Callum Easter Callum Easter has been creating ripples in Edinburgh for most of 2016, recently picking up nationwide interest in the run-up to the release last week of Get Don’t Want.Billed as an EP, although with six songs it’s arguably a mini-album, it sees the former member of The Stagger Rats take a decidedly more edgy direction to create one of our highlights of the year. While most blogs and radio shows have picked up on the lead track Feelings Gone, a sing-along number set to a slightly plodding keyboard, Easter really excels on the other songs.Anyone who remembers the amazing Edinburgh band Penpushers will delight in the claustrophobic sounds and verse of Second Time and Chemo Bells, while the tracks Want It Sometime and Little Burden both display sparks of genius. Easter has been working with Leith-based producer and erstwhile Young Fathers manager, Tim Brinkhurst. Based on what we have heard so far, Brinkhurst has found another winning act. Olaf Furniss and Derick Mackinnon run the Born To Be Wide the music scene seminar and social night Under the Radar is in association with Musicians' Union Musicians Union sponsor new music every week in Scotland On Sunday Musicians' Union - Behind Every Musician. To find out more about the benefits of joining visit * For consideration as our Artist of the Week please click HERE scroll to the bottom and review checklist of what we NEED in order to feature bands in Scotland On Sunday. Then email: Derick Mackinnon with all the info


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