Music Plus at Belladrum Festival 2016

National youth music projects Music Plus+ and Hit The Road have teamed up with Belladrum Tartan Heart Festival taking place from 4-6 August in Beauly, near Inverness. The partnership enables young artists 14-19 years old the opportunity to perform at the sold out festival. Artists performing include; Acrylic | The Vegan Leather | Mari Green | Deni Smith | Emily Isla | Holly and Lucy Mincher | Young Rotations [Jack Young] | Eadan Sutherland and Eilidh Anderson + Logan McGee. Some previous participants are also booked to appear on different stages, including Man of Moon, Indigo Velvet, The Mermaids, Be Charlotte and many more.For more info click Belladrum Festival Facebook Event or the image below:
Music Plus and Hit The Road artists perform at Belladrum Tartan Heart Festival 2016
Music Plus+ and Hit The Road are managed by the Scottish Music Centre and both projects receive funding from Creative Scotland's Youth Music Initiative with Hit The Road also benefiting from investment courtesy of PRS For Music Foundation Further info on Music Plus visit and for Belladrum Tartan Heart Festival visit For anything relating to Music Plus / Hit The Road artists performing at Belladrum Festival please email: Derick Mackinnon or phone 07784 320 546


Acrylic, Scotland On Sunday, 24 July 2016


Hit The Road Tour, August 2016