Mickey 9s

RECOMMENDED: Mickey 9s https://www.facebook.com/mickey9s

RECOMMENDED: Mickey 9s https://www.facebook.com/mickey9s

We first featured Mickey 9s as our Artist of the Week in Scotland on Sunday a few years ago, the occasion - the pre-launch of their album Galactic Radio we were excited to see the band last year too, they were due to play a sold-out Off Axis show at Broadcast in March, until Covid came along. 

Their new album Modern Kunst is released in July this year, in the meantime you can listen to their single Kids and their previous album via Spotify HERE

Facebook: @mickey9s | Twitter: @Mickey9s 

Mickey 9s, Category: Artist, Albums: Galactic Radio, The Party Manifesto, Singles: Kids, Algorithm, Professionals, O Electrico, RANG WI ME, Top Tracks: RANG WI ME, Soundhaus (Ha Ha Ha), Kids, Psycho Control, Ammunition, Biography: Anyone who knows the Scottish music scene will tell you that Mickey 9s is one of the most exciting bands to see live., Monthly Listeners: 1140, Where People Listen: Glasgow, Edinburgh, Birmingham, London, Mexico City


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