Pocket Knife, Scotland On Sunday, 17 December 2017

Published in Scotland On Sunday, 17 December 2017 | Words by Derick Mackinnon and Olaf Furniss. Read on Scotsman.com [in association with Off Axis] FROM OLIVE US TO OLIVE YOU featuring POCKET KNIFE Artist of the Week in Scotland On SundayScotland On Sunday, 17 December 2017, From Olive Us To Olive You, Pocket KnifeThe latest addition to the consistently brilliant Olive Grove Records roster is Pocket Knife, a Glasgow-based synth-pop duo who feature on Christmas compilation album ‘From Olive Us To Olive You’ released on Friday. Pocket Knife's Half The Presents is the stand-out song, with deadpan vocals and imaginative lyrics. Another highlight is a duet featuring Carla J. Easton (TeenCanteen/Ette) and Eugene Kelly (The Vaselines). The album also features Randolph’s Leap, Henry & Fleetwood, Jo Mango, The Son(s), Woodenbox, State Broadcasters and Campfires in Winter. All proceeds are being donated to CDH, a charity that supports families affected by Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia, which includes label boss Lloyd Meredith’s son Luke.‘From Olive Us To Olive You’ is available to buy at: https://olivegrove.bandcamp.com/album/from-olive-us-to-olive-you For more info on Pocket Knife visit: www.facebook.com/pocketknifeband Olaf Furniss and Derick Mackinnon run music industry seminar and social night, Born To Be Wide www.borntobewide.co.uk Under the Radar is in association with Off Axis, a free to use gig network enabling artists to play successful shows and festivals, in over 75 towns and cities across the UK. Watch out for Off Axis gigs 22 December with PYRO at Midnight Breakfast Club in Bathgate and 23 December with Jamie & Shoony at Stramash in Edinburgh - register at https://whatisoffaxis.com Images: Off Axis stage at Kendal Calling featuring Jamie & Shoony, Indigo Velvet and Ded Rabbit Off Axis sponsors Scotland On Sunday Indigo Velvet on Off Axis stage at Kendal Calling Jamie & Shoony on Off Axis stage at Kendal Calling Ded Rabbit on Off Axis stage at Kendal Calling* For consideration as our Artist of the Week please click HERE scroll to the bottom and review checklist of what we NEED in order to feature bands in Scotland On Sunday. Then email: Derick Mackinnon with all the info


Zed Penguin, Scotland On Sunday, 24 December 2017


Savage Cut, feat. Leyla Josephine, Scotland On Sunday, 10 December 2017